How to celebrate the 4th of July when you're not exactly feelin' America RN

Regarding the fourth of July this week I have a slightly heavy heart. I feel sad that at this moment I feel that we have so little to celebrate about America. I feel saddened that our country has so much hate and negativity swirling around these days. My heart aches for the pain of so many who are facing difficulties and oppression in this country. I know America has never been perfect, and I do love our country but I find myself disappointed in the choices we have made in our leadership and the perceived shift in what we stand for. That being said, I still believe in the good.

DIY Ice Cream Christmas Stockings

DIY Ice Cream Christmas Stockings

DIY Ice Cream Christmas Stockings
Welcome back to another Ice Cream Castles DIY project! Today we will be making Ice Cream Holiday Stockings. This project is fun and easy and can get the whole family excited and ready for the holidays! 

DIY Magical Flower Crowns

Magical Flower Crown Ice Cream Castles
Halloween is coming! But magical flower crowns can we worn year round! Today we will be making this fun and easy whimsical DIY project for all ages. Happy Crafting!! XOXO