DIY Magical Flower Crowns

Halloween is coming! But magical flower crowns can we worn year round!
Today we will be making this fun and easy whimsical DIY project for all ages.

What you will need
-tulle (we used pink, white and blue)
-ribbon (we used purple, yellow and iridescent)
-fake flowers
-hot glue gun

To start:
Start by using your tulle. Even though we used pink white and blue you are free to use any color you choose for your own personal magic crown! Cut each piece is around 12 inches in length. Double it over so it meets each end, with the middle section, wrap the tulle around the headband and create a slip knot with it. This will help secure into place so it won’t move, while still being able to change it in an out if need be. Continue this around the headband to your desired amount. Ours went back-and-forth from blue to white to pink and repeated.

Once you have finished wrapping the headband with the tulle, we may now begin to add in the ribbon! Just as we did with the tulle, cut your ribbon to 12 inches in length and double in half. Create a slip knot around the headband and secure it in place. You may have the ribbon longer and shorter in places to add more fun depth and color to the crown. The iridescent ribbon is our favorite because of all the sparkles!

Add on as much ribbon as you desire!

Our last step is adding the flowers to the headband. Remove the top of the flowers from the stems so the base is as flat as possible. We used three flowers, however feel free to use more! Once your hot glue gun is nice and warm (please be careful!) take your first flower that will be placed in the center, squeeze a small amount of hot glue onto its base and place it on to the headband. It is OK for the glue to be placed on top of the ribbon. Hold in place until glue is completely dry and flower is intact. Repeat out of here in the flowers to the headband until you are satisfied. Once all of the flowers have dried onto the headband, you are now ready to strut your stuff in your new magical flower crown!

Tag, comment, and share with us on Instagram @theicecreamcastles if you liked or did this fun DIY! Happy crafting!

More About Katie Bettini
Katie is ecstatic to be a part of the Ice Cream Castles team! She is an artist and designer working in Los Angeles. Her previous experiences revolved around the world of production: working in Art Department, Props, Costumes, and Make-Up in both film and television. Her resume includes work with such companies as YouTube, Nickelodeon and Disney. Her other passions include painting, fabricating, and all things DIY. We are truly lucky to have her on our team