Fall 2018: Cloud City

Cloud City
...and so, off the children went onto the next journey… up up and away they dreamed themselves to Cloud City: a city made up of large, fluffy, glitter-filled cotton candy clouds. Feeling athletic they joined a pack of Pegasus' for some aerial aerobics. Jumping seemed effortless in this dreamy town and with a sip of rainbow milkshakes they set off to a set of hoops with the Cloud City Champions. The Champions were a crew of radical dragons that had the most skills on their court of clouds. Blasting hip hop and flying through the sky they scored points; dunking the balls one after one each dragon faster than the next. The children had never seen such sight. Hopping on their backs they joined the team and felt like true air all stars. Cheered on by the fly fox girl cheerleaders, the game was the most fun of all. They hydrated after with ice cream cones and set off to the next event, a cloudy concert featuring The Wizards, a rock band made up of an owl, an elephant and a coyote. They were lost boys with magical powers playing on invisible air instruments and making magic with special wands while playing the most beautiful sounds. It was the most magical evening of shooting stars and stellar songs. The children sang and laughed all night long. Wearing his favorite leopard cape, the lead singer of the band, a wild coyote, suddenly waved his cape and they all vanished into the sky leaving behind some leopard magic for the children to practice. They sailed through the sky with their magical clothes over all there new fantazmic friends and truly felt like they were champions of their very own. Cloud City was a place where dreams are made of and where the magical strengths of champions are made…